Look at that face, who could resist that expression? Thanks to owner Yvette for sending in this picture of Gus.

Look at that face, who could resist that expression? Thanks to owner Yvette for sending in this picture of Gus.
Canuto is from Mexico and according to Canuto’s owner, Sharely, every morning is the same! Looks like Canuto doesn’t want to get out of bed. We know the feeling Canuto.
Floppy Joe sent in by Heather Mills
I’m not quite sure exactly when Fred’s birthday was, but he looks like he is expecting some nice treats. Fred – picture courtesy of owner Yvette T Garcia
Bacon and Kholie sent in by Rebecca Lynn Arms Raymer
This picture was sent in by owner Jeremy
Rascal & Patches! They love taking pictures! Sent in by Carolyn <3
A well-fitting collar and lead is essential to ensure that your basset hound looks forward to the prospect of a walk and enjoys being on the lead. At first, it may seem a simple task to select a lead and basset…
My Basset hound loves having a bath!
Basset hound temperament differs slightly between different dogs, but there are many common Basset behavior traits that are shared within the breed. Bassets are pack hounds and will see their owners as members of their pack and will attempt to work…